WeeFestival offers practitioners, researchers, and theatre studies students the opportunity to view a dynamic range of performances from leading theatre artists specializing in a range of disciplines and dedicated to younger audiences.
Studies in Performance Practice sessions will follow each of the performances in this stream offering an in-depth conversation between the artists and a range of producers, presenters, and scholars.
Seats are extremely limited. Please reserve by May 3, 2024.

Useful Information
- Registration before May 10, 2024.
- Seats are extremely limited.
- Email education@weefestival.ca with your questions. An invoice will be issued providing a secure link for online payment.
Professional Stream Schedule of Shows
May 10 @ 10h | Dance Arts Institute
Up! – LagunArte (France)
May 17@ 13h or | Spadina Theatre (Alliance Française)
Plastic/Plastique – Puzzle Theatre (QC)
May 18 @ 14h | Spadina Theatre
Good Night/Bonne Nuit (Puzzle Theatre)
May 19 @ 11h | Alumnae Theatre
Sonia & Alfred – Teatro Gioco Vita (Italy)
May 21 @ 11h | Dance Arts Institute
Paper Playground – Foolish Operations (BC)
May 24 @ 10h | Dance Arts Institute
First Words/Mots Premiers – a.k. entrepôt (France)
May 24 @ 1pm | Tarragon Near Studio
Quest for the Moon – WeeFestival (ON)
June 1 @ 14h | The Assembly Hall
Cuckoo/Coucou– Graham Soul (QC)
May 30 @ 10h | Tarragon ExtraSpace
Walangaan – Theatre de la Guimbarde (Belgium)
June 7 @ 10h | Tarragon ExtraSpace
Rawums (:) – Florschütz & Döhnert (Germany)
Masterclass | June 6, 2024
June 6th – 11h – 12h30 | Masterclass with Melanie Florschütz and Michael Döhnert
florschütz & döhnert give an insight into their 20 years of process-oriented theater work. As pioneers of theater for small children in Germany, the duo has been researching their visual and action-oriented visual language, which does without the spoken word, since 2004. Their self-developed pieces thrive on the interplay of object theater, physical theater, light and music. The associative telling of stories is a central theme for them. Their plays work by setting and decoding signs. Beyond dramatic conflicts or narrative stringency, they dedicate themselves, among other things, to the performative questioning of natural laws and (perceptual) phenomena that characterize everyday life. Short video excerpts of their productions make their theater work visually tangible.
Conference Day | June 7, 2024
10h – 10h40 | Rawums (:)
11h – 11h30 | Post-show Interview with Florschütz & Doënhert, facilitated by Belarie Zatzman
11h45 -12h15 | Presentation of new work “A Quarter to Night“
12h15 – 13h15 | Lunch
13h15 | Showings and Sharings of New Canadian Work
Intro from Lynda Hill
13h30 | Twinkle by Lindsay Goodtimes
14h00 | Aria by Xin Wang with Michael Murphy
14h30 | Capoeira Criança by Suzanne Roberts Smith and Maestre Sérgio Xocolate
15h00 | Solalie by Emmanuelle Lizére
- Full Package | $100 (includes all shows, June 7th sessions & lunch)
- Regular Package | $75 (includes all shows, June 7th sessions – Bring Your Own Lunch)
- Post-Secondary Student Package $50 (includes all shows, June 7th sessions – Bring Your Own Lunch)
- Puppetry Stream | $40 (Cuckoo, Plastic, Bonne Nuit, Sonia & Alfred, Quest with backstage tours, demos and Q&A)
- June 7 Conference Day | $25
- Masterclass June 6 | $25
- Shows Only | $10 per ticket
Conference Assistance:
If you have any questions or concerns please contact communications@weefestival.ca
Read about our 2023 programme here.