Through the magic of puppetry, a tabletop landscape of a single tree surrounded by fallen branches, roots, and sticks, transforms into a world of strange and sometimes silly creatures all determined to claim one delicious green leaf!
“It is visual poetry that makes us discover
a curious world that surprises, surprises,
inspires, but also makes us think.”
WeeFestival would like to thank Alliance Française for their support.
Creation and performance by Csaba Raduly and Pavla Mano
Music by Petya Nedeva
About Puzzle Théâtre
Founded in 1996 in Bulgaria and established in Montreal since 2004, Puzzle Théâtre has a unique style by combining various types in the traditional and the contemporary: drama theatre, object and puppet theatre, Puzzle Théâtre distinguishes itself by the coloured amalgam of styles and the great diversity of means of expression that it proposes.
Leave the audience the freedom to interpret the unmentioned, to freely associate ideas and allow it to feel what is not explicitly told. This is what became the artistic characteristic of the company.
Grâce à la magie des marionnettes, un paysage d’un arbre entouré de branches mortes et de bouts de bois se transforme en un monde de créatures curieuses et parfois stupides, toutes déterminées à s’approprier une délicieuse feuille verte!
“C’est une poésie visuelle qui nous fait découvrir
un monde curieux qui surprend, qui étonne,
qui inspire, mais qui fait aussi réfléchir et se questionner.”
Équipe créative du Bois
Musique: Petya Nedeva
Puzzle Théâtre présente ses spectacles partout au Canada, en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Asie.
Visit the Puzzle Théâtre website
Photography by Puzzle Théâtre