Rising, reaching, longing, and learning – taking risks to go beyond and discovering both thresholds and possibilities. A metaphor for growing up-Up! Is a captivating musical and theatrical performance by artist Kristof Hiriart.
Artistic Director Lynda says: “Kristof performed his incredible show Mokofina in our 2018 edition and I have been waiting every since for his next creation. I had the chance to see Up! in the terrific Dutch Early Years festival 2 TurvenHoog and I can say it was an utterly unique and joyful experience. His vocal work is magical, the humour is rich, and the wordless conversation and connection he forges with his very young audiences is magical. This is an intimate venue and so seating is limited. Don’t wait to book.”
Basque artist Kristof Hiriart says: “UP is the top in English, but in the Basque language it is an interjection that calls for caution. I believe that we can only grow to one’s own height. Beyond that, too high or too fast, there is a risk of falling. Rise to vertigo, rise from the height, slowly climb the steps of his life, with caution. I build my life every moment. I want to grow up, rise higher, bigger, but too high gives me vertigo. The elements of my construction are within my hand, my sight, my body, my voice, but sometimes everything escapes me. From birth to death, everyone is the sum of his or her ages. Freedom lies in the choice of our own representations and opinions. UP is a metaphor for my personal construction, a ritual. ”
Voice, Percussions & Compositions by Kristof Hiriart
Lighting by Antoine Decembri
Production & Diffusion by Maite Garra
About LagunArte
Kristof Hiriart is a musician, percussionist and singer. He created LagunArte in 2001 in the Basque Country, where he began playing and singing even before pursuing musical studies in Bordeaux and Tours. The voice is essential in his career, in his musical practice, in the training he can lead, and in the place he gives it in his various research and creations in the field of oral tradition music and more broadly of music.