Two characters meet, each has their own language of speaking, of moving. They try to connect and communicate – through dance, through play!
“Sitting down, discovering an empty space and completely transforming it from nothing into a playground, a place full of laughter or full of tears. Making it into something else, something new : a garden, a castle, a bedroom, a boat, the sea… using whatever comes into your head and letting your imagination ran wild. Childhood is a time where playing with 3 bricks can make you a builder, a pirate or even a princess where regards are great, emotions are strong and love is eternal. ” Laurence Henry
Artistic Director Lynda says: “This is such a dynamic and highly physical dance performance by two male performers who demonstrate their power, their emotion, along with their beautiful humour and connection to play.”
Concept and Direction / Concept et direction Laurance Henry
Performed by / Réalisée par Harrison Mpaya & Jordan Malfoy
Choreographic Assistant / Assistante chorégraphique Pauline Malusk
Assistant Direction and Technical Direction / Assistant à la mise en scène et à la direction technique Erik Mennesson
Costumes Sophie Hoarau
Philosophical gaze and dialogue / Regard philosophique et dialogue Dominique Paquet
Music composition / Composition de musique Sylvain Robine
Production Manager / Responsable de la production Laurène Blanckaert
Administration Laure-Anne Legrand
a k entrepôt
DSN, Scène Nationale de Dieppe
L‘Agora, de Billère
Théâtre du Champ Exquis, Scène Conventionnée Art, Enfance, Jeunesse, Blainville sur Orne
Théâtre Lillico – Festival Marmaille Scène Conventionnée Art, Enfance, Jeunesse, Rennes
LaSala Centro de Creacio in Sabadell , Catalunya, Spain
Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque
La Ville Robert, Pordic
Centre Culturel Paul B, Massy
Très Tôt Théâtre, Scène Conventionnée, Quimper
La Colloc’ de la Culturel, Scène Conventionnée, Art, Enfance, Jeunesse Cournon d’Auvergne.
a k entrepôt is subsidised by the Ministry of Culture and Communication (DRAC Bretagne), the Conseil Départemental des Côtes d’Armor and the City of Saint Brieuc, and supported by the Région Bretagne and Saint Brieuc Armor Agglomération
About ak Entrepôt
Created in 1998 in Strasbourg, the company is managed by a pair, Laurance Henry and Erik Mennesson. Laurance Henry, scenographer, visual artist and director, trained at the Beaux Arts in Rennes and the Decorative Arts in Strasbourg. Erik Mennesson, lighting designer and assistant director, engineer by training, worked for other companies before the creation of A.K. warehouse. The company has been based in Saint-Brieuc in Brittany since 2004.