May 10 – June 9, 2024

Looking forward to exploring everything the WeeFestival has to offer at our own pace.

Hi, everyone! I’m Christine. I’m an actor, mostly, and the mother of 4-year-old Dorothy.

During this past year, I haven’t missed taking myself to the theatre nearly as much as I’ve missed taking Dorothy. In the first three years of her life, I took her to see everything I could, and we both loved it. The Wee Festival quickly became the festival I look forward to the most every theatre season. And what an extraordinary opportunity this year, with the Wee Festival moving online, to see so much stunning work from around the world.

Dorothy does best at the theatre when she’s right up front. I know the relationship between kids and screens is a complicated and personal one for families, but I’ll be honest – I love how close we can be to these digital performances. We can create our own viewing schedule, take breaks if we need to, and re-watch productions she’s especially taken with. It’s hectic around here right now, but I’m so looking forward to exploring everything the Wee Festival has to offer at our own pace.

One of the very first shows I took Dorothy to was Old Man and the River. She yelled “Hi, Man!” and grunted at the leaves along with him throughout the entire show. I have a feeling we’ll be revisiting that one first.

I want to sink into a moment of discovery, play and watchfulness.

My name is Xin Wang.

My relationship with the WeeFestival really began with my relationship with its artistic director Lynda. Lynda directed me through out the development, premier and remounting of an opera about elephants for young people. The entire process was about 6 years in total and we grew to trust and respect each other immensely. I became a mother of two by the end of that journey, leading me to join education programs that Lynda ran as a parent. I brought and I still bring all of my  children (now 3) to as many Lynda picked shows as I can because of her passion in theatre and in education. Lynda is always about quality and substance. Lynda cares deeply. Lynda trusts art and she trusts children. Lynda is a builder. The WeeFestival was born from her vision of theatre for the very young. I support and benefit from this beautiful initiative to create a space for our children and us to discover, play and observe. These carefully curated works showcase highly disciplined art forms distilled with fluidity, precision and wonderment. Like children, they slow us down and ask us to pay attention. This year, more than ever, I want to sink into a moment of discovery, play and watchfulness. I want to pay attention with all my senses and be in awe. This is what I always feel watching the WeeFestival and this is what I look forward to! 

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